When you make an online order of food through the site of a restaurant - pizzerias Fratelli Varna, you can pay for it in one of the following ways:
1. Cash payment
You can pay in cash with an exact or larger amount directly to the courier who will bring you the order.
2. Payment by debit / credit card
If you want to pay with your debit or credit card, you need to indicate this before completing your order. Our courier will carry a POS Terminal to make the payment.
3. Online payment
The website of Fratelli restaurants for online food orders in Varna accepts all types of debit and credit cards - Visa and Mastercard.
Online payment is the final step of your order. It is charged as soon as you enter all the necessary data from the card and click "Pay". When the payment is approved, your order arrives in the restaurant system.
Secure payment
Your payment information is absolutely protected!
After payment by debit or credit card, the Fratelli website will redirect you to a secure (SSL) page of Borica Online Payments - a platform used by most major banking institutions in Bulgaria.