Fratelli Сливница

Fratelli Slivnitsa is a restaurant that suits everyone.

The restaurant has been working for you since March 2018. It is located on two floors that can accommodate 100 seats. Its summer terrace has the same capacity and offers a view.
There is a bus stop next to the restaurant, where several key lines for the city stop.

The atmosphere here is modern and suitable for different types of companies and meetings.

Breakfast with colleagues, lunch with friends or dinner with family - welcome here with us!


In the restaurant - pizzeria Fratelli Slivnitsa we serve:

Variety of salads, pizza and pasta, as close as possible to traditional Italian cuisine. Here you can try options of dishes from the Bulgarian cuisine, as well as fish and seafood. Our desserts are magical!


Restaurant Fratelli Slivnitsa offers:


 In the restaurant Fratelli Slivnitsa you can also order:


Every day from 8 am to 11 am you can enjoy our menu with breakfast suggestions. You can order an omelet, chabata, toast, milk with muesli, mekitsa with cherry jam, and for drinking - coffee, tea, airan, lemonade.

Lunch menu

Every week day, between 11 am and 3 pm we also offer a lunch menu with favorite Bulgarian soups and cooked dishes.

From Fratelli’s lunch menu you can order for home or office or have lunch at the restaurant.
We publish an up-to-date lunch menu on our facebook page every day.


For contacts with restaurant Fratelli Slivnitsa:

Work time:
8:00 - 23:00 every day
phone: 0876 61 51 51
Slivnitsa Blvd., Konstantin Velichkov 55 street
Contact managers (for complaints, compliments or questions):